The eventual end of the COVID lockdowns will open up a host of fun and exciting activities. But one part of the pre-pandemic routine will come as an unpleasant chore: commuting. The return of this part of the daily grind might convince you to find a great job closer to home.
In normal, non-pandemic times, about 13 million Canadians commute to work by car, with an average duration of 24 minutes. However, some unfortunate people lose big chunks of their lives to the trip to work. The same statistics indicated that around 850,000 Canadians spent an hour or more making their way to work each day.
Tired of trekking to your job every morning? Want to settle down in your ideal hometown but don’t know if you can find the perfect job to go with it? There are steps you can take to achieve these goals.
6 Tips for Finding a Job Closer to Your Home
Look for Virtual Work
COVID forced many companies to create a virtual backbone to facilitate work-at-home employees. These won’t go away in the post-pandemic era.
You can take advantage of these remote-work programs to stay in your hometown. You can work for a company headquartered in another city but remain in your living room. Seek out these opportunities to expand your possibilities.
Find Local Job Sites
Concentrate on job postings in your community. Rather than turning to the broad-based sites, drill down on resources with a more local focus. These will help you find opportunities closer to home.
Check for Government Resources
Many local governments provide resources for job seekers. These can include job listings and rundowns of hometown companies. Or consider finding work with your local government – these jobs are almost guaranteed to stay close by.
Attend Local Job Fairs
Meet employers in your region by frequenting local job fairs. You can attend these in person, once all the COVID restrictions finally pass. Or look for events that allow you to attend virtually. Checking out these resources will allow you to meet companies looking to add staff in your area.
Target Specific Companies
Prioritize local companies that you admire. Specifically, target opportunities at these employers. Check their website for listings and reach out to their HR departments. You might find opportunities you didn’t know existed.
Expand Your Local Network
Networking is the key to any job search. However, with social media as a facilitator, you often end up with contacts well outside your geographical area. If staying close to home is important, narrow your focus to people nearby.
At the same time, look to expand your close-to-home network. This can start with job fairs. But you can do even more by joining local charities and seeking out like-minded friends nearby.
Work with a Top Recruiter
A top recruiter, like Elby Professional Services, can steer you towards the best opportunities in your area. You’ll get the guidance you need to find the perfect situation for you.
Contact Elby today to learn more.